"I get knocked down
but I get up again
you're never going to hold me down"
True words of the notorious song by “Chumbawamba” and true words of my first week here in Buenos Aires.
WARNING!! I just returned from “The Argentine Experience” and am a little food and wine drunk…
I went into this trip with such specific expectations and after being here those expectations have been completely knocked down. I thought the purpose of my trip was to volunteer and learn Spanish. I did not want to pay to volunteer and ASS-U-ME(D) that I would be able to find ways to volunteer while I am down here, but that was not the case. And the Spanish down here is quiteeee different than other Spanish speaking countries and making learning Spanish much harder to learn than expected.
*Note: There are many ways to volunteer in Buenos Aires but require at least 4 weeks of committed volunteering, which is completely understandable. By the time we found the organizations we did not have 4 weeks to give down here.
After feeling like a complete failure of a trip to Buenos Aires, I cried… felt that there was no hope and looked into the option of flying home early.
I wanted to give up.
Why did I want to give up? Because my purpose of being here was not becoming a reality
After talking to Rob, my mom, researching options, we decided to for now just focus on enjoying our time here in Buenos Aires.
So on March 8, 2015 with the help of Buenos Aires Local Tours “Pay What You Want”, our perspective started to change. We had Quincy (Native from Arizona who studied abroad in Argentina 6 years ago and fell in love with an Argentine and never left) show us around The City Center, take us on the public transportation, and put our extreme safety worries to ease.
If you are planning on traveling to Buenos Aires you will hear a lot of “It’s not safe,” “You need to be careful”, “You wont fit in (since I am blonde)” etc. etc. etc. So Rob and I have been living in fear of the dangers in Buenos Aires, where honestly the worst thing that would happen to us, most likely, is that our purse or wallet would be stolen.
I do not want to jinx myself, so knock on some wood for me, but Buenos Aires is like NYC to me. Don’t walk in empty allies or the extreme hours of the night with bling, iPhones and flashy things. Be smart and trust your gut.
I feel as though I am rambling as the wine and food coma/drunk is causing me to lose my train of thought…
So am I giving up?
Am I changing my originally story/plan for the trip?
Have I felt like a complete failure to planning this trip?
Do I still feel that way?
At the end of the day…I am living in Buenos Aires, in a new country, learning things I never thought I would learn about. It is about changing my perspective and stepping outside of myself.
Every challenge is an opportunity – stated by Rob LaBonne
I can’t wait to share with you all about my experiences with:
- CARNE (beef)
- VINTO TINTO (red wine)
Sneak peak from "The Argentine Experience" with one of the amazing hosts Fernando